Good morning, Flowers, chocolate, a restaurant dinner—all of the above? What is a fitting gift for Mom on Mother’s Day? Nothing really seems adequate, does it? Our gifts, no matter how lavish and carefully planned, can’t compare with a mother’s gifts to her children. While Mother’s Day is celebrated once a year, a mother’s love is 24/7. Whether a child is a newborn or 50 years old, a mother’s love remains constant. Her love is so much more than words. It is a love which doesn’t hesitate to get up in the middle of the night to comfort a frightened or sick child. It sacrifices me-time to feed, clothe, and teach a little one. Even when the son or daughter has a family of their own, Mom’s love prays for them every day. Her love doesn’t depend on the behavior of the child. Even when love is repaid with disobedience, it doesn’t become less because of the hurt. Rather, it is all the more determined to reach out and bring the child back. It is impossible to list all that mothers do in love. But their greatest gift to their children is leading them to Jesus. Paul wrote Timothy, “I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also” (2 Tim. 1:5). Timothy’s mother and grandmother planted and watered the seed of the Word in Timothy’s heart from little on. By God’s grace that seed grew and produced a rich harvest of faith’s fruits in Timothy’s life. No other gift can match the blessing of faith in Christ. By faith come forgiveness, peace with God, and eternal life—gifts worth more than all the money in the world. Thank the Lord for Christian mothers. Thank the mothers for being Jesus’ hands in loving His lambs. What can you give a mother who gives so much to their children? The best gift of all is to show your love and appreciation to her by following the Lord whom you first learned about from Mom. Keep building on the foundation she gave you in the Word. Teach your own children about Christ’s love for them in His sacrificial death on the cross. Let them see the joy of salvation in your priorities and perspective on life. That is a Mother’s Day gift which will be remembered and appreciated not only tomorrow but forever! Yours in Christ, Pastor Services tomorrow are at 8:00 and 10:45 a.m. Pastor Stefan Sonnenfeld, St. Louis, MO, will be our guest speaker. The Sunday school children will sing at the end of first and the beginning of second service. Sunday school: 9:30 a.m. and adult Bible class: 9:45 a.m. (Meet in the sanctuary) Service changes approved by the voters: No online signup for Sunday services. For the month of May: First service will be mask-required along with every-other pew social distancing. Second service is mask-optional with no social distancing. Beginning in June: All special precautions will expire.