Good morning: With Christmas, timing is everything. Remember in July when Christmas seemed so distant? Already then experts were advising people to get their shopping done early to avoid supply chain snafus and disappointment. Did you tell yourself at Thanksgiving that there was plenty of time to get cards sent and make travel plans? A few days ago the deadline passed for mailing packages. Are yours still waiting at home? Our timing is seldom perfect. Sometimes we procrastinate and put things off until it’s too late. Other times we’re too impatient to wait for the right time. Whether we’re ready or not, the days and weeks go by with the regularity God ordered at creation. Without fail, the “not yet” of waiting and preparation turns into “now!” God’s timing in bringing about the first Christmas could not have been better. “But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons” (Gal. 4:4-5). God was not going to be rushed. According to His perfect order, detail by detail, prophecy by prophecy, year by year, time moved along until “not yet” became “now!” Christmas timing is much more than getting presents under the tree and guests in the house by Dec. 25. At just the one right moment in history, God’s Son was born of the virgin Mary. His birth is a miracle beyond our rational understanding. He did not come merely to live here, but to lay down His holy life as a ransom payment for the debt of sin, your sin and mine. The “not yet” of waiting, longing, and hoping becomes the “now,” as we look forward to hearing our children announce the news of Christ’s birth tonight. And just as Jesus came in the fullness of time, so in the fullness of time yet to come, He will return to transform the present “not yet” into a glorious eternal “now.” Yours in Christ, Pastor Our Christmas Eve service begins tonight at 6 p.m. The Christmas Day song service is at 10:30 Sunday morning. Invite friends. Guests are always welcome!