Good morning:
Of all the words in all the songs ever written, perhaps none is used more often than the word “love.” Everyone recognizes that love is important to our relationships in life. But it also seems to be such a temporary, fragile thing. Countless upbeat lyrics and exuberant melodies express the joy of newfound love, while just as many speak of the heartache of love lost. Others question what love really is.
We don’t have to wonder. The apostle John says, “Love comes from God….God is love” (1 Jn. 4:7-8). To know what love is, all we have to do is look at God. It is also true that without knowing God, no one can fully grasp the essence of love. God’s love is not an emotion which quickly comes and may just as quickly disappear. It is not a self-centered love which looks for personal gain in a relationship. It is not merely words. “In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him” (1 Jn. 4:9). God loves us for His love’s sake, not because there is anything in us worth loving. In love Jesus sacrificed Himself on the cross for our lack of love and sends the Spirit to draw us to Him in faith. “We love Him because He first loved us” (1 Jn. 4:19).
Blessed by God’s love in Christ, we not only know what real love is, we are equipped to show that love to others. Our spouse, children, siblings, fellow believers, co-workers, and even strangers are all opportunities to reach out in self-giving, unconditional love. Where can you show the Lord’s love today?
In tomorrow’s sermon text (Matt. 22:34-46) Jesus teaches that love for God and neighbor sums up all the Commandments. It is a perfect love which Jesus showed in our place.
Voters, remember that the quarterly meeting begins after second service.
In Jesus’ name,