Good morning:No matter how hard you try, some news is just too good to keep to yourself: a perfect test score, your engagement, a baby on the way, the dream job. And when it is life-changing good news, why would you want to keep it a secret?
There is no better news than the message of God’s love for us in Christ. It truly is not just life-changing, but life-giving. Without it we are “without hope and without God in the world” (Eph. 2:12). There would be no light at the end of the tunnel. Things would not work out for the best in the end. The trials of this life would lead to eternal death.
Jesus changed all that. He fulfilled all the requirements God’s law imposes on us. His holy life is credited to you. The guilt of all our unkind words, the help we didn’t give, our selfish actions and impure thoughts was laid upon the Lord as he hung on the cross. “Christ suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God” (1 Peter 3:18). That news is our peace with God. Your guilt is lifted off your heart. It’s gone. We can go about our work and activities with a joyful spirit. All is well.
It’s news too good to keep to ourselves. Let’s pray every day for opportunities to share it with others. It is life-giving hope for the person who is crushed under the weight of sin and regrets. It gives new purpose for the one who is wondering if life has real meaning. It is eternal salvation for all who believe. It is news to tell the world!
Yours in Christ,
Tomorrow is Mission Festival. Note the schedule change: Pastor Nathanael Mayhew will lead a mission presentation at 9 a.m. The service, which will include Holy Communion, begins at 10:15 a.m. Following the service, everyone is invited to stay for a fellowship meal.