Good morning: Former NBA star Charles Barkley is not only remembered for his basketball career but also for saying, “I am not a role model.” He wanted young boys to look up to their fathers rather than to him as someone to imitate. But the truth is, he was a role model. Young people did look up to him and imitate him. Really, everyone is a role model to others. Parents are role models for their children. Younger siblings learn from older brothers and sisters. Employees look to coworkers. Students look to the example of classmates. Everyone is a role model, either a good one or a poor example. That is especially true for believers in Christ. Others look to you as a pattern or example of what a believer is and does. I think we would all be surprised, maybe even shocked, if we realized how many others closely watch us and form an opinion of what Christianity is all about. Are we good examples who give others an accurate and favorable impression of Christ? Not always. Instead of defending someone’s reputation, have you gone along with rampant gossip about their misdeeds? Have you given the impression that joining fellow believers in worship is a chore rather than a joy? Instead of watching for opportunity to speak about God’s love in Christ, do we talk about anything and everything but the gospel? We haven’t been faithful models of God’s people in keeping his law. But incredibly, God has been faithful toward us in keeping his promises of grace and forgiveness. When we fall short of the holiness God requires, we can be a good role model in humbly confessing our sins and expressing our trust in Jesus as the Lamb of God who takes away our guilt. What kind of life will you model today? Spend time with the Lord in his Word and prayer. Don’t hesitate to let others know how important the Word is to you. Invite someone to come along with you to church. Look for ways to reflect the joy and peace of forgiveness, even toward those who make it difficult. Show Jesus’ love in word and action. “For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness, and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord” (Eph. 5:8-10). Yours in Christ, Pastor The Sunday service begins at 9 a.m. The Lord’s Supper will be celebrated. Sunday school and Bible class will follow the service. The Bible class will discuss some of the idols in our lives which we don’t always recognize as threats to our faith. Remember to set your clocks “back” one hour tonight.