Good morning, You hear about it all the time. Maybe it’s happened to you. Someone isn’t paying attention, clicks on an email and ends up downloading a computer virus. A potential windfall of millions lures an unsuspecting victim into sending their online banking credentials to a stranger who empties the account. A threat of utilities…

Good morning: Who are you? Many people struggle with the question of their identity. We are created with a God-given gender. We are born into a family with an ethnic heritage. We receive a name. But beyond those things, who are we? We have an identity as U.S. citizens with Social Security numbers. We might…

Good morning, Ash Wednesday gets its name from the ancient custom of ashes smeared on the forehead and the words spoken which were first addressed to Adam, “Remember, dust you are and to dust you shall return.” It makes one stop and think about the brevity of life. It’s a stark and somber reminder that…

Good morning: “I just don’t know, Pastor. I just don’t know.” I often heard that sentiment from a dear fellow believer whom I visited in a nursing home years ago. He had lived a long, full life and was thankful for countless blessings from the Lord. But he had also experienced many ups and downs…

Good morning: Do you remember your first waking thought this morning? Was it how you were going to relax and enjoy a day off, a list of chores to catch up on around the house, a shopping trip? Our thoughts naturally gravitate toward ourselves and revolve around our ideas and plans. Those plans don’t always…

Good morning: Last fall I wanted to sell a car, and several prospective buyers came to see it. They looked at the color, inspected the paint for chips, and checked out the climate controls and entertainment system. Eventually, though, they all wanted to look under the hood. It’s something we ordinarily don’t see or even…

<pre>Good morning: He is the nicest, kindest person I’ve ever met. He is grouchy, impatient, and often mean. Do you know people like that? Sometimes both descriptions might fit a single individual. One moment they are caring and considerate and the next they are looking for a fight. It leaves one wondering who the person…

Good morning: The Bible warns that Satan is a liar and the father of lies. He lied to Eve in the garden of Eden, which led to sin and death and the need for a Savior. The devil still spreads lies with devastating effect, one of which is: “You don’t need other believers.” Has someone…

Good morning: Do you recognize the name Pat Tillman? He played in the NFL in the late 1990s for the Arizona Cardinals. But his name became headline news for something else. After the 9-11 terrorist attacks, Tillman stunned almost everyone by walking away from professional football, millions of dollars, and all the perks of fame…

Good morning: With a glossy flyer, a new store advertises free gift bags for anyone who comes to their grand opening. After standing in line for an hour, you get to the door and read, “Free gift bags while supplies last.” The person ahead of you got the last one. You go online to get…

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