Good morning everyone:
Have you seen the bumper sticker: “God is My Co-Pilot”? I’m sure those who have it on their cars want to express their trust in God’s protecting care. Whether it’s heading out on the road or beginning a new day with all its unforeseen events, it’s reassuring to remember that we are not alone. The Lord goes with us. He assured Joshua: “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified…for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you” (Deut. 31:6).
But I wonder whether the bumper sticker says all it should. If God is the co-pilot, are we the pilots? Often we may think and act that way. We try to determine our own course and reserve the right to veto what God says if we don’t understand it or like it. But what happens when we follow our own plans? Don’t they many times fall apart or lead us to dead ends and troubles we didn’t anticipate? What’s more, no manmade plan will ever give us true peace with God. We can never come up with a route that will take us to heaven.
Faith doesn’t say, “God is my co-pilot.” It confesses, “The Lord is my Shepherd.” Faith trusts and follows the path He maps out for each of us. It says, “Your will be done, not mine.” It rejoices in Christ’s righteousness, not in one’s own faulty goodness.
Let’s meet each new day with the prayer: “Lord, You lead the way. Show me how I may live for You and serve You in love. When I stumble and fall, pick me up with Your forgiveness and love. Bless me on this journey to the heavenly home You have prepared for me and all believers.”
Tomorrow’s sermon text (Jer. 1:4-10) is God’s call to Jeremiah to follow Him and serve Him as a prophet to His straying people. Jeremiah needed the Lord’s encouragement and strength. So do we!
See you tomorrow,