Good morning everyone:
What would cause a successful corporate executive to quit her job, buy a farm in Wisconsin, and raise goats and vegetables? In this case it was a desire for a simpler, less stressful, and more active life. Have you ever thought of “reinventing” yourself? What if you were to move overseas or make some other dramatic lifestyle change? Impossible? Maybe not. Those changes might not only be possible, but refreshing and rejuvenating.
Some believe that they can also reinvent themselves spiritually, that they have the wisdom and power to decide to believe in Jesus on their own and be masters of their own spiritual destiny. That is not merely wishful, it is false, harmful thinking. When it comes to faith in Jesus, we have no ability or even desire to change. “The sinful mind is hostile to God. It does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so” (Rom. 8:7). By nature we are His enemies. We want nothing to do with Him. We want Him to leave us alone. We think we can find our way to eternal life by our own efforts and goodness. It’s all a delusion of Satan and our sinful flesh. People dead in sin can’t lift a finger to help themselves.
That’s where the transforming power of God’s grace comes in. In love Jesus called His disciples to faith in Him and to service in His kingdom. He transformed them from enemies to friends. He has done the same in our lives. “For I know the plans I have for you….plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jer. 29:11). In baptism He transformed us from outsiders to family. With the message of His payment for sin on the cross, He transforms us from sinners to saints. Through the thrilling news of His resurrection, He has changed our future from hopeless to glorious. With His daily presence in our lives in the Word, He gives each of us a new career of reflecting His light into this dark world.
Let’s praise our Savior for the transformation He has worked in us. Let’s embrace the new life and purpose He has given. May we gladly live for Him who died for us!
In the sermon text (Acts 9:1-19) we will hear of how the Lord transformed Saul from a rabid persecutor of Christ to a fervent preacher of the gospel.
Voters, please remember the call meeting scheduled for 9:45 tomorrow.
The public school confirmation class meets at 12:15 p.m.
In Christ,