Good morning everyone:
“THE END IS NEAR” states the cover of the latest TIME magazine. It is, of course, speaking of the end of the long, drawn-out presidential campaign which concludes with next Tuesday’s general election. Are you relieved, apprehensive, ready? To be prepared we need to be informed of the issues and candidates, so that we can make wise choices. Our next President and other leaders will have a great impact on our lives. We need to keep in mind that time is quickly running out. We can’t wake up Wednesday morning and expect to vote. No matter how passionate we might be about making our voice heard, it will be too late.
But while most people in our nation are very much aware of the upcoming election, there is another, far more crucial “end” which is also “near.” Peter writes in Scripture: “The end of all things is near. Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled” (1 Peter 4:7). This world is not going to stand forever. Jesus will return, bring it to a sudden end, and judge all people. He says, “Yes, I am coming soon” (Rev. 22:20). He doesn’t tell us how soon. “No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven” (Matt. 24:36). But it is certain to come. In fact, it could arrive even before next Tuesday.
So while we are thinking about the election and praying for wisdom to make choices according to God’s will, let’s not forget that there is a much bigger day on the way, not just for us and our country, but for all people. While we look ahead and prepare for the things of this life, let’s not neglect getting ready for eternity.
We’ll be doing that tomorrow as we hear Jesus’ words in the sermon text (Luke 17:20-30). He urges us not to be distracted or deceived by the world, but to put our trust in Him as the King who has taken away our sins and given us His righteousness and who now graciously rules in our hearts with His love.
The Lord’s Supper will be celebrated in both services.
The adult Bible class will continue its discussion of Christian parenting.
Remember to turn back your clocks tonight to Central Standard Time.
In Christ,