Good morning everyone:
Remember waking up last Sunday morning and as soon as the mental fog cleared thinking, “It’s Easter! Christ is risen!”? What a great way to begin the day! Jesus is alive. The suffering, shame, and death of Good Friday were overshadowed by the glory of the empty tomb.
But now? The picked-over Easter candy is 80% off. The problems of the world are still there, more daunting than ever. The stresses in our own personal lives weigh on us. So what happened to Easter? Nothing. It’s still there. We can open our eyes every morning with the realization that Christ is risen. “He cannot die again; death no longer has mastery over him. The death he died, he died to sin once for all” (Rom. 6:9-10).
Every day we have the peace of knowing that our sins were buried with Christ and that now we have new life in Him. His victory is ours. We have the joy of the Lord’s presence with us as we go about our daily lives. The risen, ever-living Lord is there to guide us with His Word, protect us with His power, and give us purpose to every moment of our time on earth. For the believer, it’s really Easter every day. There’s nothing better to wake up to!
Tomorrow’s sermon text (Acts 2:14, 22-32) is from Peter’s Pentecost sermon which assures us that Jesus’ resurrection is not just wishful thinking, but a blessed reality.
Yours in Christ,
Voters, remember that the quarterly meeting gets underway shortly after second service. The living Lord has given us a great privilege in entrusting the preaching and teaching of His Word to us. The input and gifts of all of us are important in faithfully carrying out His mission.
The adult Bible class will pick up the study of Isaiah at chapter 15. If you have opportunity, read ahead. Note the despair and destruction which sin brings upon those who reject the Lord. At the same time, watch for God’s grace in His promise of a King who will sit on David’s throne.