Good morning,
New parents have a lot on their minds! Thoughts come in rapid-fire succession: Is the hospital staff taking good care of the baby? What should we ask the nurses? Is the car seat installed and ready to go? What if the baby doesn’t sleep? What if she sleeps too much and doesn’t want to eat? Should we set the thermostat at 70 or 72? We need to have a daily schedule and backup plans if there’s a problem.
All the details are important, and yet they can be more of a problem than a help if they get in the way of enjoying the wonder of God’s gift of a child. Parents would miss so much joy if they didn’t pause to ponder the miracle of holding this child whom God “knit together” in the womb. They have plans and dreams for their little one, but that’s nothing compared to what the Lord has in mind and what He can accomplish. In awe of God’s loving care, David said, “All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. How precious to me are your thoughts, O God!” (Ps. 139:16-17).
Whether parents or not, all of us have a lot on our minds with Christmas only days away. Don’t let the details get in the way of appreciating the wonder of the birth of God’s Son. No matter how many presents you have to wrap or still find, make time for reading and hearing the Word which reveals that the Baby born in Bethlehem is not only a real baby boy, but true God as well. No matter how many items you have to check off on multiple lists, pause to reflect on the wonder that Jesus came not just to live here for a time, but to allow His enemies to nail Him to the cross where He would pay the price for our salvation.
Think about the wonder of God’s love that Jesus came for you, that He knows and loves you, that He has made you God’s child through baptism, and that He blesses you not just on Christmas, but every day with His forgiveness, peace, and loving presence. The days ahead are precious. Don’t let the details interfere. Don’t miss the wonder!
In Jesus’ name,
Tomorrow’s sermon text, Luke 1:39-55, records Mary’s wonder and praise to God for the blessing of the Word made flesh. Service times are 8:00 and 10:45 a.m.
The children will rehearse for Christmas Eve at 9:30 a.m. and also after lunch.
The choir sings in second service.
Adult Bible class will meet in the activity room at 9:45 a.m. Thought starter: What does the Bible say about Christmas trees?