Good morning, “Just be patient...There will be the Thanksgiving Day feast with the entire extended family gathered around the table. You can look forward to greeting Christmas guests with hugs and sampling favorite cookie recipes in the kitchen with one another...But just not this year.” I’ve heard statements like this several times lately on TV news programs. Everyone is getting tired of the pandemic precautions and limitations, especially with the holidays approaching when we are accustomed to quality time with loved ones. It’s good to dream of better days ahead. It helps to be reminded that the current situation is only temporary. But how temporary? There is no guarantee that life will be back to normal by the new year or next spring or even by next Thanksgiving. We pray that the Lord will soon provide relief from sickness, quarantines, and economic stress, but from our earthbound perspective, we can’t see the details of His will. Do you hesitate to dream of better days out of fear they might not come? We don’t know when this present life will return to a more consistent, comfortable routine, but we can still dare to dream. God has promised that while there will always be trials here, He has prepared far better things for us hereafter. “Just be patient,” He tell us. The day is coming when “he will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away” (Rev. 21:4). We can be sure of our place in the peace and glory of the new heavens and earth, because Jesus took our sin upon Himself, paid the penalty, and by faith we are clothed in His spotless righteousness. Dare to dream of that time and place when “never again will there be in it an infant who lives but a few days, or an old man who does not live out his years...For as the days of a tree, so will be the days of my people; my chosen ones will long enjoy the works of their hands….For they will be a people blessed by the LORD….Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear….They will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain” (Is. 65:20ff.). The picture language of prophecy does not fill in all the details of our life in heaven. We couldn’t comprehend them now anyway. But the Lord’s words are intended to encourage, inspire, and whet our appetite for the place the Savior has prepared for us. When you feel disheartened by the disappointments of the present, just be patient and wait. Better things are ahead. Dare to dream! Listen to the Lord’s promises and descriptions of eternal life. Imagine what life will be like without sin and all the pain, heartache, and death it brings. Dream of what our loving Lord, for whom nothing is impossible, has in store for those who love Him. Just be patient, wait, and see… Yours in Christ, Pastor Service times tomorrow are 8:00 and 10:45 a.m. Our guest speaker is seminary student Drew Naumann. Activity Committee #1 is asked to meet after first service in the east classroom to discuss tree and church decorating. Contact Aaron Mueller or Mr. Quade for more information. The intergenerational Sunday school will meet in the fellowship area at 9:30 a.m. to view the fourth part of a mission presentation by the CLC Committee on Domestic Fields. All ages are welcome. Here is the link for service signup: https://tinyurl.com/y2j5r8sn Signing up for the Sunday service by 6 p.m. Saturday is appreciated and helpful and a way of showing Christian love for one another. It gives the Elders and ushers an idea of how many people to prepare for. When you sign up you can also see how full the service will be, and if you wish, consider attending the other service. By signing up, you can easily be informed if that were advisable because of contact with someone at the service who later became ill. The governor’s mask order is still in effect for all indoor spaces, including churches. Masks are available in the entry if you forget yours.