Good morning:
It was hailed as a miracle. After a massive earthquake struck Turkey in February, two brothers were pulled out of the rubble of their apartment building alive. They couldn’t have made it out from under tons of debris by themselves. They needed rescue workers to first of all hear their cries and then to carefully dig through the mountain of wreckage and gently carry them out.
Chances are you haven’t been the victim of an earthquake, but can you recall a time when it seemed as though everything you thought was solid and safe collapsed in a pile of rubble? It’s frightening how quickly carefully laid plans can fall apart, how unexpected circumstances can leave one feeling trapped and isolated. Our sins certainly do that. One little lie doesn’t seem like a big deal. Neglecting God’s Word and worship is painless. They seem like tiny “tremors” which barely register on the seismic scale. Yet there are no “little” sins in God’s eyes. “For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it” (James 4:10). That led David to confess, “My guilt has overwhelmed me like a burden too heavy to bear” (Ps. 38:4).
Buried and crushed under mountains of sin, we needed a rescue which only the Son of God could carry out. Jesus heaved the entire load of guilt onto his own shoulders. He pulled us out from under it into the freedom of forgiveness and life in his kingdom of grace. He is the Rock which nothing can ever shake. Build your life on him, and you’re eternally safe. Take all the problems, questions, and other “rubble” of the day to him. He will be there to hear and save.
Yours in Christ,
Our service tomorrow begins at 9 a.m. The Lord’s Supper will be celebrated.