Good morning everyone,
Christmas is coming! It’s hardly surprising, late-breaking news. Who doesn’t know that? Long before black Friday, stores were promoting Christmas sales. Decorations have been up around town for weeks. Christmas songs are everywhere on the radio.
Everyone knows it’s coming, but what does this pre-Christmas season really mean? For some it’s a frenzied and expensive search for presents to put under the tree. For others it is an ever-shrinking window of time to squeeze in twice as much activity as normal before Christmas Day. Some dread these weeks because of the pressure they feel to get everything “right” for the perfect Christmas.
How about you? What does the season mean to you? We easily say, “It’s all about Christ,” but dig deeper. What does that mean? Who is He? Why does His coming matter to you? How does our faith in Him change our lives? How will it affect our priorities at this time of year?
Tomorrow we begin the season of Advent. It is the time to sharpen our focus on the meaning of Christmas. Rather than cut back on Scripture reading and church attendance, it is the time to look even more intently into the wonders of salvation. Instead of making more lists for ourselves, it is the time to see what God in love has done for us and the entire world. The pressure is not on us to create the perfect Christmas. God has already accomplished it in sending His Son to be perfect in our place and pay the price for all our imperfections.
So tell someone, “Christmas is coming!” And when they reply, “Everyone knows that,” ask, “So what does it mean to you?” Gladly share the answer God Himself provides. “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have” (1 Peter 3:15).
In tomorrow’s sermon text (Jer. 33:14-16), the Lord announces, “The days are coming!” May that timeless message prepare us for Jesus’ coming both at Christmas and at the end of all things.
Church and tree decorating is scheduled for 1 p.m. tomorrow. The activity committee would very much appreciate help with the project. No experience necessary!
Yours in Christ,