Good morning:
“…And they all lived happily ever after.” Who doesn’t like a happy ending to a fairly tale, a novel, or the latest movie release? Yet most people will also quickly add a disclaimer: “That would never happen. It’s just a story. Things never work out like that in real life.”
The evidence would seem to support the conclusion. Does “happily ever after” describe yesterday or this past week for you? No matter how carefully we plan and anticipate possible scenarios in order to have our days work out as we would like, there is always something that gets in the way. When was your last “perfect” day? How can we have any confidence at all then in a happy ending?
If it depended on us, the only thing we could count on is making a mess of things. Sin gets in the way. We certainly see that in the record of King David’s life in the Old Testament. Still, David was confident of a happy ending. He wrote: “All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. How precious to me are your thoughts, O God!” (Ps. 139:16-17). In spite of his sins, David knew that God loved him and was directing each day to bring about a happy ending which would really be the beginning of eternal joy in heaven. Because the Lord loved David, He confronted him with his sin and called him to repentance. He administered painful discipline as a caring Father toward his wayward child and then assured him of His forgiveness.
Thank the Lord that He does the same for you and me. He doesn’t let us wander off on our own toward certain disaster. Through His Word He points out our sin and its consequences. It’s painful. Who wants to hear that they have broken every commandment of God and deserve eternal punishment? But God’s intention is one of pure love. He doesn’t want anyone to perish, but all to come to repentance and rejoice that Jesus has taken away the sin of the world.
Read Psalm 139. It tells us that we are not aimlessly wandering through another day without direction or purpose. Tomorrow’s sermon text (Malachi 3:13-18) assures us that even in difficulties, we are still God’s beloved children by faith in Jesus. He cares deeply about each of us. So much so that He leaves nothing to chance. All the days ordained for us are already written in His book of life, including the ending: “Happily ever after with the Lord!”
The choir will meet tomorrow at 9:10 to begin rehearsing Christmas music. More voices are always welcome!
The adult Bible class will continue viewing the Martin Luther documentary.
See you tomorrow,