Good morning,

What’s a paraclete? The Greek word is translated as “Helper” in John 14:26 where we read: “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.”

Literally, paraclete means someone “called to one’s side.” People pay thousands of dollars for the services of a life coach, someone who will be at their side to provide guidance and direction. It’s someone who will encourage and inspire them to make the most of their time and opportunities. But the counsel and direction are only as good as the person giving them. Some may be in it for the money. Some may give poor or dangerous advice.

What would you pay for a life coach who is available 24/7 every day and whose counsel is guaranteed to be absolutely on target every time? It would be a bargain at any price. What if it were free? Jesus promised and sent the Holy Spirit as a free gift to be with His followers always. On Pentecost the Spirit was poured out on the apostles. Through their preaching the Spirit came to dwell in the hearts of 3,000 more on that Sunday. In the 2,000 years since, through the good news of Christ crucified, the Spirit has breathed new life into millions of souls.

But there’s more. The same Spirit is there for us daily in the Word to encourage us on the “down” days, to bring us back to the Lord in repentance when we begin to stray, to counsel us when we have questions about choices in life, to give us the right words to say about sin and grace to coworkers, classmates, and others we meet.

It’s all free and as close as the Word, for “all Scripture is God-breathed” (2 Tim. 3:16). “Holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit” (2 Peter 1:21). So take time today to spend in the Word. Keep in mind that the Spirit Himself is speaking to you as your personal Counselor who loves you and wants your confidence in Jesus to grow stronger day by day. Let’s look forward to more of the Spirit’s blessings tomorrow as we gather around the Word in our Pentecost service, Sunday school, and Bible class. In the sermon text (Ezek. 37:1-14) we will hear how the Spirit breathes new life and hope into the most hopeless hearts. Thank the Lord for the Paraclete!

Yours in Christ,


Tomorrow is the last Sunday school/Bible class session before our summer recess. The Bible class will continue the study of the Joint Statement.

The public school confirmation class meets at 12:15 p.m.

Remember in prayer: Dick Laakaniemi has been readmitted to St. Luke’s. His brain tumor has grown and it appears likely that he will soon be with the Lord in the glory of heaven. He is in good spirits and has no pain. He knows His Savior and trusts with the psalmist: “You hold me by my right hand. You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will take me into glory” (Ps. 73:23-24).

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