Good morning, It happens just as I’m dozing off to sleep. The question crosses my mind, “Did I remember to lock the doors?” I tell myself, “Sure I did. I always do.” But doubt keeps nagging me until finally I crawl out of bed to check. Most of the time, everything is locked up just as it should be. Occasionally, however, I didn’t remember. It’s not just doors. How certain can we be of anything? Ever been absolutely positive that you had nothing scheduled for an evening or the weekend, only to get a text saying, “Where are you?” Are you sure of your salvation? If we can’t be, it’s hard to relax and be at peace with whatever the day brings. If we can’t be sure that all is well between us and God, we can’t be confident of His help and blessing. It’s frightening to think that God may not be on our side. Has someone told you, “I’m sure I’m saved. I just feel it”? They may feel sure, but emotions aren’t always reliable tests of truth. “I try hard to be a good person, so I know I’m saved.” Yet God tells us that there is no one good. All have fallen short of the perfect love He requires. “I pray, read the Bible, go to church, and teach Sunday school. I read all the Christian “How To…” books.” Those things are part of the Christian’s life of sanctification, but they don’t assure our place in God’s family. By God’s grace we can be sure, but not by anything we do. The writer to the Hebrews says, “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God” (Heb. 12:2). Be sure of your salvation by focusing on who Jesus is and what He has done, not on who we are or what we do. Jesus has done it all for us. He became our Brother-Substitute. He was holy for us. He became the sacrifice for all our sins. He won our salvation once for all Whether we’re just getting started with another day, in the middle of a busy Saturday, or ready to get a good night’s sleep, may we sure of what matters most, sure of our eternal salvation in Christ. May He and His Word be in our hearts and thoughts continually. Yours in Christ, Pastor Our service tomorrow is at 9 a.m. The choir and children will rehearse briefly after the service. The quarterly voters meeting will also be held tomorrow. This is the annual meeting, so the agenda includes election of board members and officers. We pray that all voters and those eligible to become voters will be able to attend. The Spirit gives various gifts to individual believers that they may be used in the church for the benefit of all in preaching, teaching, and reaching out with the news of Christ as the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Non-voters are welcome to sit in as well.