Good morning:

When you opened your eyes this morning, did you thank God for what you saw? Probably not. It was likely the same bedroom walls you see every day. But think of what a gift sight itself is. To see color, objects, the smiles of loved ones, and the variety and beauty of God’s creation is incredible. Likewise, if you cannot see clearly, life is more difficult.


Do you remember putting on your first pair of glasses? Maybe the math equation on the white board in your classroom was a fuzzy blur. When friends pointed to planes overhead or to signs on the road, you had to strain and squint to see them. Then you put on the glasses and suddenly everything became crystal clear. You could see individual leaves on trees. You could recognize someone from across the room. It was amazing! Glasses and corrective surgery can restore the gift of 20/20 vision which is such a blessing in our lives.


Jesus can do much more. The Bible tells of a time when Jesus gave perfect vision to a man who had been blind his entire life. Not surprisingly, the miracle attracted a great deal of attention and also criticism from Jesus’ enemies. The Lord used the occasion to perform an even greater miracle for the man who had been healed. Jesus asked him, “Do you believe in the Son of Man?” When the man responded, “Who is he, sir? Tell me so that I may believe in him,” Jesus said, “You have now seen him; in fact, he is the one speaking with you.” The man believed and worshiped Jesus. By the power of His Word, Jesus gave the man spiritual vision to recognize Him as the Son of God and Savior from sin.


Jesus has performed the same miracle in us. By nature we are spiritually blind. We can’t see Jesus. We don’t even want to. Left to ourselves, we would spend our lifetime wandering in blindness, yet thinking we could see. We would look to money and possessions for happiness, even though they never last. We would count on our own accomplishments for security, even though nothing we do can save us from death and judgment.


Thank God for opening our eyes to the wonders of His love and salvation in Jesus. Stay in the Word daily to keep your spiritual vision sharp. If things get fuzzy and blurry, count on the Word for the needed correction. Pray with the psalmist: “Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law” (Ps. 119:18).


Yours in Christ,



Our service tomorrow begins at 9 a.m. Newly elected church board members will be installed into their offices. The VBS children will rehearse at 8:40 a.m. Everyone is invited to join us after the service for the church picnic at Calhoun Park (shelter 2), New Berlin. A main dish and drinks will be provided. Bring a side dish to pass, along with lawn chairs, sunscreen, etc.

Copyright © 2015-2025 Messiah Lutheran Church and School

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