Good morning:

The Bible warns that Satan is a liar and the father of lies. He lied to Eve in the garden of Eden, which led to sin and death and the need for a Savior. The devil still spreads lies with devastating effect, one of which is: “You don’t need other believers.” Has someone told you, “I don’t need to go to church. I pray all the time. I know what I believe. Besides, the people at church aren’t always very friendly.” It can sound reasonable, maybe even pious, but it’s a lie.
There is a reason why the Holy Spirit had the author of Hebrews write, “Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching” (Heb. 10:25). The devil is a master at using a “divide and conquer” strategy. Left to ourselves, we can become careless in our attention to the Word. We might convince ourselves that we are really not that bad off spiritually. We could fall for the lie that while others may need the support of fellow believers, I am strong all by myself. Remember how Peter was convinced that while the other disciples might deny Jesus, he never would. Yet left alone, he crumbled. Without the encouragement and support of other believers, how can we avoid slipping into the materialistic mindset of the world?
In divine love, Jesus came to shine the light of forgiveness and peace with God into our hearts. By faith in Christ’s holy life and perfect sacrifice on the cross, we are united with one another as children of God. Loved by God in Christ, we love one another. We need one another for mutual help in our walk with Jesus. We want to come together to sing the Lord’s praises, talk to Him in prayer, and partner in telling the world the gospel good news. 
Don’t fall for Satan’s lies. Thank the Lord today for our Christian fellowship and the strength and joy He provides in it. Let’s look forward to seeing one another tomorrow!
Yours in Christ,
Services tomorrow are at 8:00 and 10:30 a.m. Sunday school begins at 9:15 a.m. and adult Bible class at 9:30 a.m. The Bible class will take up the lie about God which says, “God is soft on sin.”

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