Good morning: Sometimes words fail. Sometimes they fail to really communicate all that fills your mind and heart. Try as you might, you can’t find the right words or enough words. That is true for me in looking back over the past 26 years of serving the Lord here at Messiah. Words fall short in…

Good morning: Whether it’s the political world or your local neighborhood, there is no lack of anger and divisiveness. It seems as though it’s nearly impossible to find two people to agree on anything or for any kind of peace and harmony to last. But this past week has been refreshingly different. Yesterday we finished…

Good morning: Is your wall calendar scribbled full of reminders about upcoming appointments, places you need to be, and things you need to do? Maybe your refrigerator is the family bulletin board which you use to communicate and coordinate with one another. Do you have a phone app to schedule your day down to the…

Good morning: All of us need a confidence boost from time to time. It might be a friend encouraging you to take the new job. It’s a nurse assuring you that the doctor caring for you is the one they would choose for themselves. It could be your parents telling you that you’ll do fine…

Good evening, “There’s always hope!” We’ve all heard it. We’ve all said it. But is it true? It depends. You may have great hopes of making it to work or a doctor appointment on time. But if you leave the house 15 minutes later than Google maps tells you, and you hit all red lights…

Good morning: You’ve chosen a card and written inside, “Dear Dad: Happy Father’s Day. Thank you for ____________ .” How will you complete the sentence? Did your dad help you through a particularly tough time? Did he pay your college tuition? Or does something else come to mind which on the surface doesn’t seem like…

Good morning: When is “right” “wrong”? It sounds confusing and contradictory, but it happens. It’s right to tell the truth, but if you speak the truth to hurt someone’s reputation and make yourself look better, it’s wrong in God’s eyes. It’s certainly right to hear God’s Word and to speak to him in prayer, but…

Good morning: If you visit the War Memorial in downtown Milwaukee this week, you’ll see the Field of Flags, 27,316 tiny US flags placed in honor of Wisconsinites who sacrificed their lives in service to the nation from the Civil War to the present. It took countless hours and an entire team of volunteers to…

Good morning: Have you ever hired, or thought of hiring, a life coach? Their purpose is to help a client with various areas of their lives, such as career advancement, dealing with stress, developing positive habits, and nurturing relationships, just to name a few. It could be time and money well spent. None of us…

Good morning: Around this time of year especially there are many students who would wholeheartedly echo Solomon when he says, “Of making many books there is no end, and much study wearies the body” (Eccl. 12:12). Yet Solomon was not anti-education, not by any means. God gave him extraordinary wisdom in both earthly and spiritual…

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