In the sports world it has happened more than once that an athlete who has viewed himself as indispensable to his team has refused to sign a contract and held out for more money. To his shock he is let go and his team goes on to great success without him. It turns out that…

Good morning: You know the feeling. It’s one of the first frosty fall mornings and as soon as you step outside your foot slip on a thin layer of ice. You have that awful sensation of losing your balance and you know you’re going down. You just hope that you won’t break anything. Asaph, the…

Good morning: What was he thinking? The TV morning news reported that a driver, instead of pulling over when he saw the flashing red and blue lights of a police cruiser, sped up and led the officers on a high speed chase until he finally crashed into a tree. What were they thinking? A husband…

Good morning: We take tomorrow for granted. We assume the sun will rise. We expect we will open our eyes to see it. If we don’t get around to mowing the lawn, we say, “That’s OK, I’ll do it tomorrow.” We push all kinds of decisions, tasks, and plans, even spiritual matters, off to “tomorrow.”…

Good morning, What are you willing to give? That depends, doesn’t it? You may give $10 to a friend who asks you, but would you write a check for $1,000? You give 40 of your hours each week to your employer, but what if you were asked to spend 24 hours a day seven days…

Good morning: Ever been accused of being unmotivated? Our society admires those who are driven to succeed. The executive who works grueling 80 hour weeks and reaches the pinnacle of corporate power and privilege is held up as a model for every aspiring business graduate. An athlete trains for hours every day with iron determination…

Good morning: Does a new day mean a fresh start? Not necessarily. The words, actions, and happenings of the previous day often carry over into the next. The dirty dishes left in the sink last night are still there this morning. The unfinished business at work needs to be addressed Monday morning. The hurt caused…

Good morning: A friend of mine runs “ultras,” races between 50 and 100 miles in distance. Imagine running from Milwaukee to Chicago. Could you do it? How does anyone do it? As far as I know, no one actually runs the entire distance non-stop. The strongest athlete would collapse in sheer exhaustion. The key is…

Good morning: Do you have a green and gold T-shirt in your dresser drawer? Wearing a replica Brewers jersey today? Is there a red Badgers shirt waiting to come out for the fall football season? Many of us like to display our loyalty to a favorite team or event with a colorful shirt for all…

Good morning: What do you do when you turn the key, but all the car does is sputter and die? Do you pop the hood, grab your toolbox, roll up your sleeves and get to work? When you want to relax with a ball game, do you reach for your bat and glove, gather a…

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