Good afternoon: A few days ago a large, colorful brochure arrived in the mail from the local recreation department. In it was a listing of all the community programs being offered this summer. There is everything from water aerobics to computer classes to bus trips to sports activities. Included in the descriptions are details such…

Good morning: “He is risen!” It’s been two weeks since we celebrated the news of Easter. But does it matter? Has anything really changed? It didn’t seem that way for the disciples. They saw the risen Lord, but apart from that momentary joy, everything else looked much the same. The Jewish authorities were still intent…

Good morning: In our country’s infancy Benjamin Franklin wrote, “Our new Constitution is now established, and has an appearance that promises permanency; but in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” He was right. Nothing on earth is certain. A skyscraper which has stood for decades is destroyed in…

Good morning: We know what happened Friday. Last evening we heard the account of Jesus’ crucifixion: the betrayal and pretense of a trial, the badgering of Pilate, the crown of thorns, and finally the brutal execution itself with iron nails driven through the Lord’s hands and feet to hold him to the cross. We know…

Good morning: Was this past week a “march to victory” for you, or did it seem more like a stumble toward disaster? Maybe there was more to do than you had hours in which to do it. Did major plans fall apart at the last minute? The days dragged by because you came down with…

Good morning: Every once in a while my Google calendar will send me an email saying, “You have nothing planned today.” It always gives me pause. If I have nothing to do, how will I spend the hours of the day? Of course, there are usually things to fill the time, even if they are…

Good morning: Is Saturday your cleaning day? Without work or school, it can be an ideal time to vacuum floors, shake out rugs, scrub bathrooms, wash clothes, maybe even straighten and organize the garage. It’s not a one time effort. Regular cleaning is important. It doesn’t get any easier if you close your eyes to…

Good morning: TV, social media, meat, caffeine, chocolate. These are just a few of the things people give up during the season of Lent. The practice can be a helpful reminder to reflect on one’s life, recognize our lack of the holiness God demands, and then turn to the Lord in repentance. But one thing…

Good morning: Have you ever been a little nervous about going to a large social gathering? Have you been uncertain about how to dress or act when you’ve traveled outside the Midwest or overseas? Maybe someone told you, “Just be yourself.” That’s usually good advice. It’s hard to pretend that you fit in with a…

Good morning: There is a right time for everything, but does it ever seem as though your timing is off? You get to the store and have to wait an hour for the doors to open. You underestimate how many red lights will slow you down, and you’re ten minutes late for the doctor’s appointment….