Good morning: You still see it once in a while on a bracelet or poster: WWJD (What Would Jesus Do). It’s meant to remind believers that as they go about their daily lives, they will want to model their words and actions after Jesus. What would Jesus do in my situation? How would He respond…

Good morning: Have you ever thought you knew someone, but were shocked to learn that you were completely mistaken? The caller on the phone sounded so friendly and sincere as he explained how he was raising money for sick children. But then a week later a news report stated that it was all a hoax…

Good morning: Are you willing to concede an argument and let someone else have the final word? Have you given up your place in line to a stranger? Would you surrender a privilege just because someone asked you to? Do you forgive someone who has wronged you? What if they have hurt you more than…

Good morning: A little white pill. How can it possibly help when every joint aches, your head pounds, and just walking to the bathroom takes every ounce of strength you can muster? Most of us don’t understand how antibiotics work. Reason would argue that one tiny pill can’t possibly make any difference at all in…

Good morning: What do the words: “collusion,” “ghosting,” “wrap-my-head-around,” and “optics” all have in common? According to Lake Superior State U. in Michigan, they are the most overused words of 2018. The problem is that words become so popular and are used in so many different situations and ways that they lose their distinctive meaning….

Good evening: “Black lives matter!” has become a rallying cry for many across our country. Of course, it’s true, black lives do matter. But what about other lives: the lives of the unborn, the lives of the elderly? What about the lives of those who have wronged you or let you down? Do they matter?…

Good morning: “Do you mind if I ask you a question?” the hair cutter said. He went on to explain, “I’ve been trying to get closer to God, but I’m not sure how to do it. I’m reading the Bible, but is there something else?” It’s a common question and a vital one. By nature…

Good morning: With roughly 7.5 billion people as our neighbors, it might seem as though one could never feel alone. Yet that is not the case. Even surrounded by others, we may feel isolated, ignored, and insignificant. Have you ever been in a roomful of people and yet you could have just as well been…

Good morning: A few days ago I was half-listening to the reporters on a network news program talk about when the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree would be taken down. One said, “It will be this weekend because Sunday is the Feast of….(long pause)…. ‘taking down the Christmas tree.’” I’m sure she was trying to remember…

Good morning: I’m going to be more patient…I’ll carve out more family time…This is the year I will finally finish all the projects I start. Have you made your New Year’s resolutions yet? Many times it’s an exercise in frustration. Good intentions are soon forgotten when time is scarce or motivation wanes. What sounds so…