Good morning, What’s your exercise routine: a daily walk around the neighborhood, a five-mile bike ride, lifting weights at the gym? We know that regular exercise is important for our muscles. If we don’t use them, they will inevitably become weaker. To stay strong or grow in strength they need to push or pull against…

Good Morning, Finally! At the age of twenty, I was no longer dependent. I was independent! I had my own car, paid my own rent, and unfortunately, even had my own health insurance. I had my own job and made all my own meals. Life was great and then it got better. I got married…

Good morning: Every time I weave around and through the orange traffic cones on Highway 100 the same thought runs through my mind: “What are they doing?” Or in translation: “They have no idea what they’re doing. I know better.” Of course, that’s unfair. I haven’t kept up with the DOT’s master plan. I have…

Good morning: It’s a beautiful morning! The air is fresh and cool under a sunny sky. Lawns are a lush green and flowers are blooming everywhere. A perfect day? On the surface it might appear that way, yet we know better. Our world has deep underlying problems. Sunny skies can quickly morph into tornado-producing storms….

Good morning: There are all kinds of ways to make enemies: be rude, make a mean comment, don’t keep your word, use other people for your own advantage. As children of God we don’t want to do any of those things. The Lord points us in an entirely different direction: “Love your neighbor as yourself….If…

Good morning: Google “population clock” and you’ll be directed to a site which displays the population of various countries, as well as the population of the entire world in real time. Births and deaths are represented by constantly changing numbers. A few days ago when I checked, there were 266 births and 108 deaths worldwide…

Good morning: “Amazon buys whole world!” announced a website. Of course it was an obvious parody of “fake news,” which made many smile. However, fake news is not always that harmless and easy to spot, especially in spiritual matters. Millions are taken in by statements such as: “People are basically good….Good people go to heaven….God…

Good morning: After a sermon in which I had spoken of the blessings of fathers, a woman said to me, “I really had trouble with what you said. All it did was bring back painful memories of how I was mistreated by my father.” How would you have responded? Sadly, it’s true that some fathers…

Good morning everyone: What makes you think you’re so smart? How can you be so sure? Why should I believe you? Has someone reacted like that after you shared some truth from Scripture? Maybe you told a coworker how God created all things out of nothing in six days simply by His Word. You might…

Hidden in plain sight Good morning everyone: Sheer panic set in! I had an appointment, and I couldn’t find my car keys. They weren’t in the pocket of my jacket as I thought they would be. They weren’t on the bench by the back door. I searched from living room to office to bedroom scanning…