Good morning everyone: If you have ever been on a commercial airline flight you have heard the preflight safety instructions given by the flight attendants before takeoff. But do you remember what those instructions were? Could you carry them out if there ever were an emergency midflight? Perhaps not. If you’re like most passengers you…

Good morning everyone: Have you noticed how much time is spent in “searching” at this time of year? We search through the Sunday ads, online catalogs, and the aisles of the mall for just the right gifts for the people on our list. We dig through closets and garages for lights and other decorations. We…

Good morning everyone: “THE END IS NEAR” states the cover of the latest TIME magazine. It is, of course, speaking of the end of the long, drawn-out presidential campaign which concludes with next Tuesday’s general election. Are you relieved, apprehensive, ready? To be prepared we need to be informed of the issues and candidates, so…

Good morning everyone: Tell someone, “This is a special weekend,” and they may quickly agree, “It sure is; it’s Halloween!” The sales of costumes, masks, and party supplies have skyrocketed in recent years. Halloween has never been more popular. Yet for us, there is another, much more important event which makes this a special weekend—the…

Good morning everyone: In the next four years there will be good-paying jobs for everyone. A college education will be free. America will be great again. Our borders will be secure. Terrorism will be defeated. Healthcare will be affordable and available to all. We have heard all these promises and many more over and over…

Good morning everyone: Last night my wife and I watched a movie in which one character, a young teacher, at a time of great personal crisis, poured out her heart to her father saying, “Jesus seems a million miles away!” Just when she needed Him most, He seemed to be disinterested and out of reach….

Hello everyone: I once drove a carload of students from Cheyenne to Eau Claire for the spring visitors’ day at Immanuel. What I remember most about the hours on the road was how somewhere in Iowa one of my passengers gazed out the window in wonder and said, “Wow! It’s so GREEN!” Up that point…
Good morning everyone: Is God good? How do you know? Has someone ever challenged His goodness by asking you, “How could a good God allow terrorists to kill dozens of innocent people and strike fear into the hearts of millions more? Or how could a good God look the other way when people are treated…

Good morning everyone: Did you get a text this morning from Coca-Cola asking you to be a television spokesperson for their latest ad campaign? Probably not. It would be a shock if you did. Wouldn’t you respond in disbelief, “Who me?” Spokespeople are usually famous athletes or Hollywood celebrities whom people know and admire. Who…

Good morning: Are you feeling motivated today, or maybe not so much? It makes a difference in your whole outlook. If you’re motivated, you have a purpose and goal in mind. Chances are, you’ll get a lot done. You’ll make good use of your time. You’ll see the day as worthwhile. But where do you…