Good morning:
You’re heading down the freeway, making good time toward your destination. Suddenly you see a solid river of red brake lights stretching for miles ahead. Like many others, wouldn’t you veer off onto the nearest exit and avoid the backup and long delay? It’s the path of least resistance and sometimes it’s the best path.
But in spiritual matters, the path of least resistance is a deadly one. Jesus warns, “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it” (Matt. 7:13-14). Which is easier, to turn off a movie filled with bad language and sexuality or just keep watching? But God tells us to be pure in our thoughts. When someone can hardly wait to share the latest gossip, the path of least resistance is to just listen. Yet God tells us not to do anything which would harm another’s reputation, but rather to defend them. It’s far easier to procrastinate and put off serving the Lord than to jump in and take care of a need at church or home. The path of least resistance is to deny Jesus rather than confess faith in Him by word and action.
Today thank the Lord that He did not follow the path of least resistance, but rather traveled the most difficult road of all, the path which led to the shame and death of the cross. His sacrifice paid for our sin. His obedience is our righteousness before the holy God. His Spirit fills us with faith and love and new determination to follow Him, no matter how difficult the way, for He alone is the way, the truth, and the life. May the Lord bless your journey today.
Yours in Christ,
Service time tomorrow is 9 a.m. The activity committee will meet following the service. The church council also meets after the service.