Good morning:
Yesterday morning after our VBS opening devotion, a preschooler, hand in hand with his teacher, came to my office on an urgent mission. The little one had arrived late, missed the collection during the devotion, and was concerned that he wouldn’t be able to give his offering to help other children learn about Jesus. He handed me two quarters and I assured him that I would add it to the other offerings.
At first glance, that 50 cents on a corner of my desk doesn’t look like much. It’s hard to think of too many items that can be bought with it, even at the dollar store. But it reminded me of another time when Jesus pointed out the seemingly insignificant offering of a widow woman. “He saw a poor widow put in two very small copper coins. ‘I tell you the truth,’ he said, ‘this poor widow has put in more than all the others….she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on’” (Lk. 21:2-3). The woman’s offering was of the greatest value in the Lord’s eyes because it was the expression of the faith and love in her heart. I’m sure the same is true of our preschooler’s gift to the Lord. It is the fruit of love for the Savior who has brought him into His kingdom through baptism, and who through the Word in VBS nurtured and strengthened that love.
What will that 50 cents accomplish? It has already reminded me of the Lord’s gracious work in hearts and led me to offer a prayer of praise to the Savior who paid the ultimate price on the cross for our forgiveness. Not only that, along with the other offerings of this past week, that 50 cents will be put to use in providing the Word to children around the world, that they too may be taken up in the Savior’s loving arms in Word and baptism. Those children will in turn pass the gospel down to their children and grandchildren. In that way those two quarters will be an ongoing blessing for years to come!
May we too in love for Jesus, who became poor that we might be eternally rich, look forward to freely giving our offerings of praise as the Lord has blessed us.
Yours in Christ,
Our Friendship Sunday service begins at 9 a.m. tomorrow. The VBS students are asked to come at 8:45 a.m. to practice their song. Do you have a relative, neighbor, or other friend you could invite to join us?
If you signed up to have your picture taken tomorrow for the photo board, meet in the fellowship hall after the service.
The congregational picnic begins shortly after the service. It will be held at Lions Legend Park in Franklin. Everyone is welcome!