Good morning: Solomon writes in Proverbs 16:18, “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.” All of us can relate to that. After getting a license from the DMV, most of us probably remember thinking that we knew all there was to know about driving. Who needs to listen to Mom and Dad’s advice about observing the speed limit and being cautious in city traffic? Then came the traffic stop and ticket or the fender bender in the parking lot. None of us has all the answers, especially when it comes to spiritual matters and our standing with God. Sinful pride which arrogantly thinks there is no need to listen to the Lord’s warnings and promises will lead to eternal death. It’s an absolute certainty. “The soul who sins shall die” (Ezek. 18:4). In His mercy the Holy Spirit has called us out of unbelief to faith in Jesus who suffered the death we deserved in order that we might be received into His kingdom and enjoy new life now and eternal life hereafter. But the Spirit’s work goes far beyond the creation of faith. Jesus promised the disciples He would send them the Holy Spirit as “Helper.” The English word “helper” is really too narrow and weak. Literally, Jesus says the Spirit is “called to one’s side.” The Spirit is our confidant, counselor, and coach. He is our closest confidant, the One who dwells within us, who knows our deepest longings and needs and hears our prayers. He is our counselor, whose advice is always perfect. He directs us to Jesus for forgiveness, peace, and comfort. And like a coach who knows when to correct and when to encourage, the Spirit in the Word keeps us on the path the Lord has mapped out for us, a path with daily blessings along the way, a path leading finally “home.” Don’t go it alone today. Listen to the Counselor; trust His Word, and follow His guidance. Yours in Christ, Pastor Services tomorrow are at 8:00 and10:45 a.m. Sunday school: 9:30 a.m. The adult Bible class will meet in the sanctuary at 9:45 a.m. We will begin a review of the prospectus for next month’s CLC convention. There are many matters before our church body, including inter-synod talks, mission opportunities, and a possible major building project at ILC. Your input is very much appreciated, so please consider attending these informational sessions. You are also encouraged to direct comments to Pastor, Mr. Quade, or our two delegates: Norm Mackensen and Bryon Nelson. The prospectus can be found online at: tinyurl.com/clcprosp-21 Service changes approved by the voters: No online signup for Sunday services. For the month of May: First service will be mask-required along with every-other pew social distancing. Second service is mask-optional with no social distancing. Beginning in June: All special precautions will expire.