Good morning everyone,

You know the routine. You arrive at the hotel and check in. The desk clerk swipes your credit card and runs down the list of amenities: pool, hot tub, workout room, vending machines, and last but not least, the free breakfast from 6-10 a.m. Do you ignore them all? Of course not. If you’re like me, you want to take full advantage of everything that’s offered. Why stay cooped up in your room watching TV when you could take a refreshing swim followed by a relaxing soak in the hot tub? And why would anyone pass up the free waffles and other breakfast treats?

Yet people do it with the blessings of God all the time. God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son. God’s love blankets the world. Jesus is the Savior of all. Now the Lord says, “Abide in my love.” In other words, “Believe it, explore it, live it, make use of all its blessings!”

But so many stay cooped up within the confining four walls of this sinful world breathing the stale air of their own desires and plans rather than marveling at the wonders of God’s forgiveness and the eternal life He wants all to enjoy now and to experience in its fullness in heaven.

So today let’s abide in Jesus’ love. Let’s breathe deeply of the fresh air of forgiveness for all our sins earned by the Savior on the cross. Let’s live in His love by trusting that all is well between us and God, since we are covered by Jesus’ righteousness. Let’s spend the day exploring His love by looking for ways to follow His will and show His love to those around us.

Tomorrow is Friendship Sunday. Can you think of someone to invite? There is only one service which will be at 9:30 a.m. In the sermon text (Jn. 15:9-17) Jesus calls us His friends and illustrates what true friendship is all about. The VBS children will be singing and the newly elected church board members will be installed into their offices.

Following the service the congregational picnic will get underway at Calhoun Park in New Berlin. Everyone is welcome. Bring a main dish along with a side dish or dessert. Paper products and beverages will be provided.

See you tomorrow,


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