Hello everyone,
Why did the sun rise again this morning? What keeps the world going? We know, of course, that the Creator daily sustains all things by the power of His Word. “You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing” (Ps. 145:16). But have you thought lately about why God does this?
It’s really all about mission work, the commission God has given to His Church to go out, preach the gospel, and make disciples of all nations. In fact, if it were not for mission work, God would bring the world and everything in it to a crashing halt. There would be no purpose to it. Mission work is that important! In these last days of world history the Lord is providing for His Word of repentance and forgiveness of sins in Christ to shine, that many more people may receive eternal life by faith in Jesus’ cross. For apart from Christ, there is no salvation.
As believers in Jesus, we are people on a mission. Whether we are children preparing for adulthood or moms and dads or retired senior citizens, each day the Lord opens our eyes in order that we might see new opportunities to reflect Jesus’ light to those around us. Maybe it will be through explaining to a friend that one day God is going to judge all people. It could be by assuring someone going through difficult times that God is able to overcome any problem and that His love is unconditional and covers everyone. It’s mission work when you tell of the resurrection on the last day and the perfect Paradise Jesus has prepared for those who trust in Him.
We are people on a mission to reach souls everywhere with the gospel good news. So we pray for our missionaries who go to India, Myanmar, Tanzania, and many other places where we can’t travel personally. Through our offerings we make it possible for pastors to be trained both here in our country and overseas. There’s no time to waste. “Now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation” (2 Cor. 6:2). The dawning of each new day is God’s message telling us our mission isn’t finished yet. In grateful love for our Savior, let’s get to work!
Tomorrow (Sat.) at 3 p.m. is the Mother/Daughter Tea.
Sunday we will celebrate our annual Mission Festival. Pastor Andrew Schaller of Marquette, MI, will be our guest speaker. Both the adult choir and Sunday School will sing in the service. Prepare by asking the Lord to equip and move us through His Word to be willing missionaries. Consider, as well, making a special offering for missions.
Please note the schedule:
9:30 a.m.: Mission presentation: Pastor Schaller will speak about evangelism and Messiah member Lydia Albrecht will summarize her Mission Helper trip to Africa. (No Sunday School tomorrow).
10:45 a.m.: Worship service. Both the adult choir and Sunday School will sing.
Noon: Potluck meal and fellowship.
In Christ’s service,