Good morning everyone,

When you looked in the mirror this morning, what did you see—pillow-flattened hair and bleary eyes? But beyond that, what did you see, what kind of person? How is your “self-image”? All of us, of course, want a positive self-image, but where does it come from? Sometimes people try to find it by imagining the person in the mirror as somehow superior to others. “I’m smarter, stronger, or keep the Commandments better. Others should recognize that. I deserve credit.” While that attitude may seem to work for a while, sooner or later it’s going to be proved false, if not in this life, certainly on Judgment Day. That impression is a delusion. It’s like looking in the mirror and instead of seeing yourself for who you are, you overlook the blemishes and blotches and see a perfect face and flawless skin.

God tells us that the face in the mirror is no different than the billions of other people on earth. That person is a sinner from conception and deserving of nothing but eternal death and punishment. “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:23). We have nothing to boast of in ourselves.

However, it doesn’t mean that we have zero worth or nothing to feel good about. We are of incredible value to God, not because of anything we are or have done, but because of His love for us and all people. We know the passage: “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.” Jesus is the One who is truly different. He is the holy Son of God. He did all things right. Even though He is God and therefore infinitely greater than anyone else, He became one of us to take our sin upon Himself, to die in our behalf, to make peace between sinners and God, and to give us eternal life.

So look in the mirror. Look very closely. See the flaws? Don’t like your nose? Wish your hair were a different color? Look into your heart. See the sins against God and your neighbor? Look again and this time see what God sees. He sees a person perfectly holy and pleasing, because He has given you Jesus’ perfect righteousness. There is no better self-image than that! Keeping that in mind, how will it affect your attitude and actions today?

Tomorrow’s sermon text (Is. 53:10-12) is a prophecy of Jesus as the Servant of the LORD who would humble Himself even to the point of death on the cross, and then rise again in glory—all for us. The Lord’s service inspires our service to Him and our neighbor.

The Sunday School will sing at the beginning of second service.

The public school confirmation class meets at 12:15 p.m.

Yours in Christ,


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