Good morning everyone:
Do you have a list of important dates committed to memory or at least noted on Google calendar, days such as wedding anniversaries, vacations, maybe Valentine’s Day? What are your favorites? For many it’s birthdays. Almost everyone enjoys a birthday celebration, whether it’s dropping by the hospital nursery to see a newborn or joining Grandma or Great Grandpa for cake and ice cream. It’s a time to reflect on the Lord’s blessings over the past and pray for His continued guidance for the next year and beyond.
As children of God we are blessed to be able to celebrate another birthday as well. Jesus told Nicodemus, “No one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit” (Jn. 3:5). We came into the world physically alive, but spiritually dead in sin. “That which is born of the flesh is flesh.” No matter how cute and innocent we may look in our baby pictures, we were enemies of God facing eternal death in hell.
In many ways the most momentous day in our lives is our baptism day, for by the water and Word we were joined to Jesus and adopted into God’s family. Our sin was buried with Christ in baptism, so that it cannot condemn us. The Spirit came to live within us and assure us that we are covered with the robe of Jesus’ righteousness. Our lives could not have changed more dramatically! Instead of living in hopelessness and fear, burdened with guilt, and cut off from God, we live in His peace, knowing that all is well. After all, we are children of God and heirs of heaven.
So add your baptism day to that list of notable dates on the calendar. Find your baptismal certificate and read it again. Thank God for your “re-birthday” and praise Him for the daily blessings your baptism offers. It is not just a one day event. The forgiveness, life, peace, and strength it gives are there for you everyday. To cheer up a depressed friend, Martin Luther told him: “Don’t you know you’ve been baptized?”
Our service tomorrow will be a special time of remembrance and praise for all the gifts God showers on us in baptism. There will be only one service, which will begin at 9:30 a.m. (no Bible class or Sunday School). The Junior Choir will be singing two pieces. The Lord’s Supper will also be celebrated. Pastor Bruce Naumann from Messiah, Eau Claire, will be our guest preacher. The public school confirmation class will meet from 11:00 to 1:00.
Yours in Christ,