Good morning, everyone:
It sounds so simple: “Just listen.” How tough can it be? Anyone can do that, right? I may not want to deliver a speech to a crowd of people. I may find myself tongue-tied when asked a question by someone. But listening, that’s easy! At least it would seem so.
The reality, though, is much different. How often do you start listening, but then interrupt a brother or sister, friend, your spouse or co-worker, because you just have to tell them what’s on your mind? Isn’t it much easier to tune out a teacher than really concentrate on what they’re saying? Isn’t the problem often a matter of pride? We already know what someone is telling us or we feel that we know better.
James writes: “Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak” (James 1:19). Try it and see. Listen, and you will hear interesting life stories and gain wisdom from what others know and have experienced. Listening shows that you care about the person speaking and value what they have to say.
That is especially true when the speaker is the Lord. How arrogant it would be for us to ignore His voice as though we have everything in life figured out and so don’t need Him. Yet, so often we do just that. Rather than listen, we tell Him what He should do for us.
In mercy, He doesn’t turn away and leave us to the punishment we deserve. He calls us to repentance. He tells us Jesus died to take away our sins of pride and not listening. He corrects, reassures, comforts, strengthens, and guides us by His Word.
So today, talk to the Lord in prayer; but above all, listen! Listen with an attentive, trusting heart. Listen and be amazed and blessed!
Tomorrow’s sermon text (Gen. 18:1-14) tells of a personal visit the Lord made to Abraham and Sarah and the special promise He wanted them to hear and trust.
Meet you in the Lord’s house,