Good morning everyone:
“Door-buster specials! Mega Sales! Unbelievable deals! You Can’t Miss This One!” By now you’ve heard these and many other extravagant claims designed to motivate you to purchase everything from socks to new cars. Did the advertising work? Were you up and waiting at the door by the time the store opened at 5 a.m.? Maybe not. Many of us have learned from experience not to get too excited, because the reality seldom measures up to the hype. There may be only limited quantities or the quality is inferior or the item is more of a gimmick than a necessity. So we tone down our expectations. We become a little cynical and suspicious about claims that sound too good to be true.
What a difference, though, when it comes to God’s promises. Have you noticed how He doesn’t use exaggerated hype to “sell” His Word? He doesn’t need to. His Word stands on its own and speaks for itself. The Lord simply tells us the truth. He warns that there is no one righteous before Him. All have sinned and fall short of His glory, and that the wages of sin is death. His Word slices through every excuse and cuts into calloused hearts to convict sinners of their guilt. We have all experienced it.
But then the Lord speaks His Word of hope and healing. He doesn’t do it with four inch high headlines on a glossy newspaper insert. He works far more effectively with the Spirit-breathed news: “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given…And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace” (Is. 9:6). God’s own Son would come to take upon Himself the world’s sin and be our Peace.
This Advent season expect great things. But don’t look for them in the mall, on Amazon, or under the tree. Instead, turn to the Word of the Lord. Look forward to hearing it in His house on Sunday and Wednesday, to meditating on it at home, and to sharing it with others. Don’t hold back. Don’t hesitate. Expect great things! You won’t be disappointed in the Word, for it leads to the Word-Made-Flesh, our Lord and Savior Jesus.
Tomorrow’s sermon text (Is. 2:1-5) is a great introduction to the Advent season with its encouragement: “Come, let us walk in the light of the LORD!”
Last week the adult Bible class concluded the discussion of Christian parenting. Tomorrow’s class will be devoted to favorite hymns. So come with a few favorites in mind, whether from the hymnal, Worship Supplement, or elsewhere, and share why they are favorites.
In Jesus,