Good morning:
The first time I saw the ocean was on a family vacation to San Diego. As soon as the water came into view, I pulled the minivan into a parking spot and we all jumped out and headed for the beach. It was an awesome sight! The vast size of the ocean, the aqua blue of the water, and the rhythmic pattern of the waves were mesmerizing. Yet just feet away hundreds of drivers were speeding by without even a passing glance. The ocean didn’t impress them. Their thoughts were occupied with work, shopping, or some other detail of everyday life. It didn’t make the ocean any less amazing; they just didn’t see and appreciate it.
It happens so easily. Remember the first flower blossoms last spring? Didn’t you stop and appreciate that first burst of color and beauty after the drabness of a long winter? What about now? Do you still look in wonder, or don’t you even notice? How many blessings do we miss simply because we don’t see them any longer? It can happen with God’s Word too. Even though nothing is more incredible and breathtaking, how often do we pass right by without a second glance?
Try “looking again for the first time.” Stop and look at a fall flower or the changing leaves and be amazed all over again at the intricacy and beauty of God’s creation. Above all, let’s take the time to “look again for the first time” at the wonder of God’s love for us in Jesus. God has no beginning or end. He is all-knowing and all-powerful. He is absolutely holy. He needs no one. And yet He not only notices us, He has loved us with an everlasting love. He sacrificed His Son to reconcile us to Him. He has made us His own children. He leads us day by day, step by step toward our heavenly home. How could a sinner ever grow tired of looking at that kind of love?
Today “look again for the first time.” Look for God’s love and care in your life, especially as you turn to His Word for your daily devotion. In tomorrow’s sermon text (Rom. 12:1-8), the Apostle Paul will help us see the worship of the Lord “again for the first time.”
In Christ,
Activity Committee #4 will meet tomorrow at 9 a.m. in the kitchen.
Tomorrow’s Bible class will be used to provide information on the Reformation seminar scheduled for Friday, Oct. 13. The seminar will be a good opportunity to review the events and blessings of the Reformation and also to invite others to come and hear how God directed history for His loving purposes. There are things all of us can do to prepare, so we hope that many will be able to attend tomorrow.