Good morning:
Job uncertainty, family stress, political controversy, violence, technological overload—Just signs of the times, many would say. But Jesus points to another sign which is even more troubling. In Matt. 24:12 He says, “Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold.” When a person dies, the body grows cold. A cold love is a dead love. The ripple effects are everywhere. Self-interest blinds one to the needs of even those who are closest. Can you remember a time when you desperately needed help or reassurance, and no one seemed to notice or care?
But no matter what the time or circumstance, there is One who always loves. “I have loved you with an everlasting love,” the Lord promises. It’s the love that swept up little ones in the Lord’s arms when the disciples didn’t have time for them. It’s the love that spoke to the Samaritan woman with whom no one else would associate. It’s the love that led Jesus to the cross to take away the sin which stood between you and the holy God.
Jesus knows how cold the world is. He experienced it firsthand. What’s more, His forgiving love can warm the coldest heart and give it new life. His love then reaches out to others through the love of parents who are not just concerned about their children’s earthly wellbeing, but provide for their spiritual blessing and protection. Christ’s love is seen in husbands and wives who stand by one another, encourage one another in the Word, and forgive each other as freely as Jesus forgives them. His love creates harmony and good will among fellow believers as they work together in the Lord’s kingdom.
Love that’s grown cold and dead is sadly a sign of the times in which we live. But it’s not the only sign. May the Lord’s love, planted in us by faith and watered by the Word, also be an uplifting, joyful sign among us as we live for the Lord’s return and the glory to come. In tomorrow’s sermon text Jesus urges, “Love one another as I have loved you!” (Jn. 13:34).
Yours in His love,
Service times are 8:00 and10:45 a.m. The Lord’s Supper will be celebrated.
Sunday school: 9:30 and adult Bible class: 9:45 a.m.
Note: The activity committee is asked to meet at 9:25 in the kindergarten room to coordinate plans for Education Sunday.