Tomorrow is Confirmation Sunday. We look forward to hearing four young men confess their Christian faith in preparation for receiving the strengthening and comforting blessing of Jesus’ body and blood in Holy Communion. It’s easy to think of the confirmands standing in front of the congregation as the center of attention.
Yet that is not really the case at all. The focus of the attention and praise is, as it always is, the Lord Jesus. He is the only-begotten Son sent by the Father to rescue sinners by fulfilling the Law in our behalf and enduring the punishment of hell which all of us deserved. He is the One who rose in victory on Easter, that all who believe in Him might live forever. He is the One who ascended in triumph to the right hand of the Father to rule in glory over all things for the blessing of His Church. He is the One who through the Holy Spirit dwells in every believer’s heart by faith.
As our confirmands recite the Commandments and acknowledge that in the mirror of the Law, they see their own great guilt and condemnation, may we too examine our own hearts and lives, and pray with the tax collector, “God, have mercy on me, a sinner!” (Lk. 18:13). When the confirmands affirm, “I believe that Jesus Christ…has redeemed me…purchased and won me…not with gold or silver, but with His holy, precious blood,” may each of us thank the Spirit for planting the same faith in our hearts by baptism.
And when the confirmands are asked, “Do you intend to be faithful in the use of God’s Word and sacraments, which are his means of grace, and in faith, word, and action to remain true to God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, even to death,” may we from the heart answer with them, “I do so intend by the grace of God!”
Let’s pray for the confirmands, one another, and all the people of God, that Jesus will always be the center of attention!
In His service,
Services are at 8:00 and 10:45 a.m. The examination of the confirmands is at 9:45 a.m. The Lord’s Supper will be celebrated in both services. The choir is singing in second service.