Good morning:
After not being able to gather around Word and Sacrament for a couple of months, I think we all have greater appreciation for David’s words in Ps. 122: “I rejoiced with those who said to me, ‘Let us go to the house of the LORD!'” (Ps. 122:1).
Taking into account recommendations of our local health dept. and in concern for the health of all, the Bd. of Elders has compiled a list of steps which will be taken as we begin in-person services this Sunday, May 24. These include limiting attendance in the sanctuary to 50 people per service, with any overflow being seated in the fellowship hall with appropriate social distancing. There will be two services (8:00 and 9:30). The board is asking that you go to the online form at this link and signup for the service you plan to attend:
Here is the complete list of recommendations from the Elders:
For the safety of our members, the Board of Elders encourages all members to follow these guidelines while attending services at Messiah.
- We will have two services (at 8 and 9:30 am) beginning Sunday, May 24th. The services will continue to be streamed online.
- Each service will have a limit of 50 people in the sanctuary. Overflow will be available in the classrooms.
- Messiah is required to keep our own records of those attending services. When signing up for a service, please include visitors of yours who will also be attending. Sign up for the services with this link. Messiah Lutheran Church Service signup.
- Sit in every other pew with members from the same family in a pew. Fill the front of the church first.
- Anyone who has symptoms of the virus, those who are high-risk for contracting the virus or who have been around others with the virus should stay at home and use the online service.
- The use of masks will not be discouraged.
- The service material will be printed in the bulletin. Pew hymnals and bibles will be removed from the sanctuary. You may bring your own Bibles and hymnals if you wish.
- Offerings may be left in the collection plates at the rear of the sanctuary.
- Surfaces in the church will be cleaned before each service.
- Limit the use of the bathrooms and drinking fountains
- Bring your outer garment, if you bring one, with you in the pew. Hangers at coat racks will be removed.
- There will be no coffee service. Please do not bring drinks to the church.
- Stay six feet away from others and refrain from using the narthex to socialize before and after services. Attendees are encouraged to immediately go outside following the service for any continued fellowship.
- The HVAC airflow will be turned on throughout the service.
- Hand sanitizer will be available at church.
Our first communion service will be on June 7. Further communication will be sent prior to that Sunday.
Yours in Christ,