Good morning, “It’s not just for breakfast anymore!” This was a popular slogan promoted by the Florida Orange Growers Association. The message is clear. You’re missing out if you just think of orange juice as something to wash down your Cheerios at breakfast. It’s a refreshing, nutritious beverage anytime of day or night. What about Baptism? Do you ever think of it as “just for babies”? We were baptized in the early days of infancy. We bring our children to the Lord in Baptism. A certificate is filled out and filed away in a box or dresser drawer. If that’s all we see, we are missing out on blessings the Lord wants us to receive and enjoy every day of our lives. In Baptism through water and the Word, the Holy Spirit works faith in even the youngest heart. The child is baptized into God’s family and spiritually reborn. But the blessings don’t stop there. Baptism is not just for babies. It is a lifelong gift. We not only can say, “I was baptized,” but “I am baptized into Christ.” It is our everyday comfort assuring us that no matter how unstable the world situation is or what is happening in our lives, we are beloved children of God who are safe in His protective care. No matter how many temptations and sins we fall victim to, God’s promise of salvation stands. Our Baptism guarantees that we are united to Christ, who paid the penalty of sin for us and has reconciled us to God. Nothing can change that truth. We can go to Him anytime in repentance, leave our sins at the cross, recall our Baptism, and hear the Lord tell us again, “I have called you by name. You are mine” (Is. 43:1). It’s not just for babies. Baptism with all its blessings is for you and me today. Remind yourself, “I am baptized into Christ.” Find your baptismal certificate. See God’s love for you in reading your name followed by, “baptized in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” May we gratefully live in that name today and look forward to praising the Savior tomorrow on our Baptism Sunday. In Christ, Pastor Services tomorrow are 8:00 and 10:45 a.m. Sunday school is at 9:30 and adult Bible class at 9:45 a.m. The children will sing at the end of first service and the choir at the beginning of second. Here is the link for service signup: https://tinyurl.com/y2j5r8sn Signing up for the Sunday service by 6 p.m. Saturday is appreciated and helpful and a way of showing Christian love for one another. It gives the Elders and ushers an idea of how many people to prepare for. When you sign up you can also see how full the service will be, and if you wish, consider attending the other service. By signing up, you can easily be informed if that were advisable because of contact with someone at the service who later became ill. The governor’s mask order is still in effect for all indoor spaces, including churches. Masks are available in the entry if you forget yours.