Good morning: What do you need? Would the list fill a page or more? Would it read something like this: I need vacation time, a fatter paycheck, new clothes for fall, a better car, less debt, a bigger house, fun things to do, etc.? If we have all these unfulfilled “needs,” what does that say about God? The implication would be that God is pretty stingy when it comes to His care for us. He is the creator and owner of all things. He Himself needs nothing. “For every animal of the forest is mine, and the cattle on a thousand hills” (Ps. 50:10). So then why would He withhold all these things which we “need”? The truth is that God is not at all stingy. His love and generosity are limitless. But it’s also true that we often confuse “wants” with “needs.” Needs are things essential to life and wellbeing. We need air, food, and water to survive. Wants are desires that we have. You may want a Starbucks pumpkin spice chai latte this morning, but it’s hardly a need. The Lord is generous and loving. He says, “Ask and it will be given to you.” He promises to provide for all our needs in the very best way. Our greatest need by far is to have guilt wiped off our record so that we can be at peace with God and be heirs of heaven. God freely forgives us in Christ. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool” (Is. 1:18). At the same time, we have physical, earthly needs. Jesus teaches us to pray, “Give us this day our daily bread.” God who feeds the sparrows promises to give His children their daily necessities. We don’t have to feel deprived. Paul writes, “Godliness with contentment is great gain...But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that” (1 Tim. 6:6, 8). God is not stingy. He provides for all our needs and gives us so much more. But He doesn’t always give us everything we want. That’s a good thing. Sometimes we want things which would be harmful, rather than beneficial. In a child’s eyes a triple scoop of chocolate ice cream may seem like the best thing in the world at the moment, but Mom and Dad may decide otherwise. Solomon wisely prayed, “Give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread. Otherwise, I may have too much and disown you...Or I may become poor and steal, and so dishonor the name of my God” (Prov. 30:8-9). Trust that along with what God has given you, His withholding of other things is evidence of His goodness. What do we truly need? Look around. The Lord has supplied it all. Our forgiveness and salvation are sure in Christ. The Lord who fed 5,000 men with only a handful of bread and fish generously gives us our daily bread too. If anything is missing, He says, “Ask, and it will be given to you.” Yours in Christ, Pastor Our service time tomorrow is 9 a.m. The Lord’s Supper will be celebrated.