Good morning:
Sometimes an end is really just a beginning. 40 days after Easter Jesus ascended to the right hand of
the throne of God, marking the triumphant end of his redeeming work on earth. Sins had been paid for in
full, and God pronounced the world reconciled to Him.
But before leaving, Jesus told the disciples to wait in Jerusalem until they were clothed with power from
on high. On Pentecost it happened. The Holy Spirit was poured out upon the disciples. In multiple
languages they preached the good news of Christ crucified and risen. Through the Word, the Holy Spirit
brought thousands to faith. The end of Jesus’ visible work on earth became the beginning of gospel
outreach into all the world.
Along with celebrating Pentecost tomorrow, we will praise God for another end-beginning. Three young
people from our Messiah family will profess their faith in Jesus as Lord and Savior in the rite of
Confirmation. It signals the end of their formal instruction in the Word, leading up to their reception of the
Lord’s Supper. However, it is really just the beginning of a new chapter in the Holy Spirit’s ongoing work
of nurturing and strengthening their faith in preparation for following and serving the Lord as adults.
Praise the Spirit for His continual presence and work in all our lives. At the close of the day, thank Him for
leading you to repent of sins and to find peace in the forgiveness Jesus earned on the cross. The grace
of God does not end with sunset. It welcomes us this morning and every day until the Lord calls us
home. May the Spirit through our reading and meditation upon Scripture today work new growth and
strength of faith as the beginning of even greater things to come.
Yours in Christ,
Services tomorrow are at 8:00 and 10:30 a.m. The examination of the confirmands will take place at 9:30
a.m. (No Sunday school or Bible class). The confirmation service begins at 10:30 a.m. Holy Communion
will be celebrated at both services. All are invited to join the confirmands and their families after second
service for light refreshments and fellowship.