Good morning: True or false? It’s been a method of testing for generations. You read the statements on the page and decide whether they are correct or not, true or false? It’s simple and straightforward. It can be verified that it’s one or the other. It can’t be both. But it isn’t always that easy…

Good morning, Forget everything you thought you knew! Sometimes circumstances are so different and unexpected that you need to totally forget old assumptions and gain a new perspective. The day may come when cars with internal combustion engines will be a relic of the past. If you are accustomed to filling the gas tank, changing…

Good morning: Do you ever feel that you’re the rope in a tug-o-war, pulled in at least two directions at once? No sooner do you sit down to dinner with the family than the phone starts vibrating. You’re already on the phone when another call comes in or someone taps you on the shoulder and…

Good morning: The breaking news first thing yesterday morning was that during the previous night in Milwaukee there had been 9 shootings in 90 minutes with multiple injuries and fatalities. Sadly, it wasn’t that surprising. Violence of all kinds has risen to epidemic proportions. The question is always the same: Why can’t people just get…


Good morning: I learned a valuable lesson. I was standing in the grocery store aisle when an elderly woman said, “Excuse me. Would you mind getting that jar on the top shelf for me?” I was happy to help. I’ve wondered, though, if I would have done the same if I were in her place….

Good morning: Assumptions can be dangerous. Even though you don’t specifically remember, you assume that your homework is done, only to realize in class Monday morning that you have nothing to hand in. You assume that the car insurance must have been paid, until the police officer asks to see proof of insurance and you…

Good morning: Sometime today Inspiration4, the spacecraft which has been orbiting earth for the past several days, is scheduled to splash down in the Atlantic Ocean. From an altitude of 360 miles, the four people aboard have had a view of the planet which only a handful of others have experienced. To see the entire…

Good morning, Why can’t anyone get things right? Do you find yourself saying that or at least thinking it? How hard can it be for an online shopping site to fulfill your order? Yet the package arrives with the wrong item or you’re charged twice for it. You take the car in for a brake…

Good morning: You wake up with a raw throat, but decide it’s due to dry air and go on with your day. One tire seems a little low, but you’re in a hurry and so you jump in the car, drive off, and don’t give it another thought. The AC hasn’t been checked in five…

Good morning: “What is truth?” was the cynical question Pilate asked Jesus. The government official no doubt had personal experience with the politics of the Roman Empire and ways in which the truth was massaged, withheld, or twisted into whatever lie someone wanted to use to serve their own agenda. Could today be even worse?…

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