Good morning, Why can’t anyone get things right? Do you find yourself saying that or at least thinking it? How hard can it be for an online shopping site to fulfill your order? Yet the package arrives with the wrong item or you’re charged twice for it. You take the car in for a brake…

Good morning: You wake up with a raw throat, but decide it’s due to dry air and go on with your day. One tire seems a little low, but you’re in a hurry and so you jump in the car, drive off, and don’t give it another thought. The AC hasn’t been checked in five…

Good morning: “What is truth?” was the cynical question Pilate asked Jesus. The government official no doubt had personal experience with the politics of the Roman Empire and ways in which the truth was massaged, withheld, or twisted into whatever lie someone wanted to use to serve their own agenda. Could today be even worse?…

Good morning: “If I could save time in a bottle…” That’s how an old ballad begins. You may not remember the song, but we can all identify with the sentiment. Who wouldn’t want to bottle up certain moments to keep for the future? Would it be that perfect summer day at the lake with family…

Good morning: What does a hero look like? Is he faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound? Sometimes we imagine a hero to be someone totally in control of every situation who never has any doubts or need of help from anyone else….

Good morning: If God really exists, why don’t I see Him? Why doesn’t He speak from heaven and remove all doubt? Why doesn’t He show His power and care to prove His love for us? The unbelieving world has always used arguments like these against the Lord’s followers and as an excuse not to trust…

Good morning: What do you need? Would the list fill a page or more? Would it read something like this: I need vacation time, a fatter paycheck, new clothes for fall, a better car, less debt, a bigger house, fun things to do, etc.? If we have all these unfulfilled “needs,” what does that say…

Good morning: Do you know what your friends are saying about you? I’m not suggesting that they’re gossiping behind your back or posting comments about you this morning on Facebook. But our friends do say a great deal about us just by being our friends. The ancient Greek storyteller Aesop is credited with the moral:…

Good morning, It happens just as I’m dozing off to sleep. The question crosses my mind, “Did I remember to lock the doors?” I tell myself, “Sure I did. I always do.” But doubt keeps nagging me until finally I crawl out of bed to check. Most of the time, everything is locked up just…

Good morning: In 1936 a salesman named Dale Carnegie authored a book titled, “How to Win Friends and Influence People.” It quickly became a bestseller which remains popular even today. Millions of people have applied its principles to help them in their personal and professional lives. After all, who doesn’t want friends and greater confidence…