Good morning: The countdown has begun—only 24 days ‘til Christmas! Retailers won’t let you forget it. Over the next weeks they will unleash a constant barrage of email, mail flyers, and text reminders stressing that there’s no time to spare. You have to get ready before it’s too late and the opportunity is lost forever….

Good morning: Now that Thanksgiving is over, what’s next? Are you one of those people who lives for “the next big thing”? As soon as the Thanksgiving dishes are washed and put away, do you go into Christmas mode and map out detailed plans in preparation for family gatherings, exchanging gifts, mailing cards, and baking…

 Good morning: Have you tried out a new restaurant lately? Maybe it’s been around for years, but you just never noticed it before. Imagine dining there and discovering that everything about it: the food, the ambience, and the serving staff was incredible. Wouldn’t the thought cross your mind, “If only someone had told me…

Good morning: Everyone will disappoint you. It doesn’t sound like a very upbeat way to begin a new day, but if you expect perfection in others, it’s true. Sooner or later everyone will disappoint you. The friend you count on to always be there night or day to help may not answer the phone. The…

Good morning: Have you ever been accused of being a militant? Usually a militant calls to mind someone looking for a fight to promote some radical political or social cause. They march in picket lines and hurl inflammatory statements. They draw the battle lines and are not about to surrender to those they see as…

Good morning: In the village of Borja, Spain there is a small chapel with a portrait dating back to the 19th century of Christ wearing a crown of thorns. About six years ago an 80-something woman with no art background decided the portrait needed a little touchup. So one night equipped with brushes and paints,…

Good morning: “I’ve got this!” Have you said that lately as a dose of self-encouragement? It’s Monday morning at work and you have a challenging 40 hours ahead. An appointment for a dental crown is staring at you from Google calendar. You need to have a difficult conversation with a son or daughter. There is…

Good morning: Have you ever gone to the doctor with a self-diagnosis already in mind. Maybe you googled your symptoms and were convinced that what you needed to feel better fast was a course of strong antibiotics. Did the doctor take your word for it and hand over the prescription, no questions asked? Or did…

Good morning: When a word is so offensive that people don’t want to even say or write it, it will often be referred to simply by the number of letters the word contains. We hear of a “three-letter” or “four-letter word” which no one wants to mention. There is a “six-letter word” in Scripture which…

Good morning: What would you say is the greatest danger to your faith? Being mocked or persecuted in other ways because you believe in Jesus could be a stress on your faith. Apathy toward the Word and especially the good news of forgiveness through Jesus’ blood is certainly a threat. False doctrine, such as the…

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