Good morning: Have you ever gone to the doctor with a self-diagnosis already in mind. Maybe you googled your symptoms and were convinced that what you needed to feel better fast was a course of strong antibiotics. Did the doctor take your word for it and hand over the prescription, no questions asked? Or did…

Good morning: When a word is so offensive that people don’t want to even say or write it, it will often be referred to simply by the number of letters the word contains. We hear of a “three-letter” or “four-letter word” which no one wants to mention. There is a “six-letter word” in Scripture which…

Good morning: What would you say is the greatest danger to your faith? Being mocked or persecuted in other ways because you believe in Jesus could be a stress on your faith. Apathy toward the Word and especially the good news of forgiveness through Jesus’ blood is certainly a threat. False doctrine, such as the…

Good morning: What are you worth? A recently published article stated that the trace elements which make up the human body are only worth about a dollar. Of course, a life is more than just a combination of water, oxygen, and minerals. But can a value be determined for a specific life? Are some lives…

Good morning: If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Some set a goal of losing weight or gaining muscle tone. Others wish to be more organized or less stressed. Would you want to be more outgoing and brave, a better student, a more diligent employee? People try to reinvent themselves…

Good morning: What would you think of a dishwasher which cleaned the outside of cups and bowls to a spotless, germ-free shine, but did nothing with the inside? The dishes would look great stacked in the cupboard, but who would want to use them with leftovers from previous meals stuck to the inside? Jesus once…

Good morning: When I was in college I had a conversation with someone who said that he didn’t have an opinion regarding Christianity. He wasn’t going to take “sides,” he told me. His thought was that if he didn’t come down either for or against Christianity or any other faith, he wouldn’t have to worry…

Good morning: It seemed like a good idea at the time. A man wanted to drain the gas tank of his lawn mower at the end of the season. Why not, he thought, grab the shop vac and use it to quickly empty the tank? It worked beautifully for the first few seconds. But just…

Good morning: In the early 1990’s there was a phenomenally successful ad campaign designed around the phrase: “I wanna be like Mike,” referring to the basketball superstar Michael Jordan. Millions of aspiring athletes watched with awe as he weaved his way down the court through opposing players and slammed the ball through the hoop. On…

Good morning: “All-you-can-eat buffet—FREE!” Any restaurant advertising that on their sign is guaranteed to get my attention and probably my business too. What could be better than to have a selection of everything from salad to soup to prime rib to decadent dessert from which to choose, and then to have as much as you…