Good morning: “Hear what you’re missing! Hear better and live better!” Commercials with tag lines like that are designed to convince people with hearing loss to seek treatment. Why would anyone hesitate? Hearing is an amazing gift from our loving God which enriches our lives. Hearing makes it possible to appreciate the whispered voice of a…

Good morning: Have you made your New Year’s resolutions? According to one survey, the top three resolutions for 2024 are saving money, reducing stress, and spending less time on social media. Maybe you’ve decided on something else like exercising more or eating better. There are all kinds of worthwhile goals to pursue, and the beginning…

Good morning: “Doing anything special for New Year’s Eve?” I asked the young nurse at the hospital. “For a long time I didn’t even know New Year’s Eve was a thing,” she told me. She explained that she had grown up spending the week between Christmas and New Year’s with her family at a remote…

Good morning: Sometimes the greatest gifts come in ordinary, unassuming packages. A diamond engagement ring may be hidden in a box of chocolates or be discovered in the box of a thousand-piece puzzle. A gift card to the most expensive restaurant in town might be tucked into a plain white envelope. The packaging doesn’t detract…

Good morning: Even on a typical day, life can be filled with all kinds of details and obligations: Dropping off children at school and making sure to get to work on time, doing laundry and making meals, setting up medical and dental appointments. But at this time of year the details can multiply. Do you…

Good morning: You forgot a family birthday. You didn’t feel like doing homework. You blurted out some nasty, angry words. Your thoughts toward coworkers were anything but kind. What comes next? Do you try to cover up the sin with an excuse? Fault someone else or blame the circumstances? That’s human nature, going all the…

Good morning, By the end of the day is your mind cluttered with all kinds of concerns and cares? Troubles, questions, and obligations can seem overwhelming. David prays in Psalm 51: “Restore to me the joy of your salvation.” Jesus says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give…

Good morning: Have you put up an Advent tree in the living room or hung an Advent wreath on the door? Are you looking for just the right Advent presents for family and loved ones? Sent out Advent cards yet? Probably not. Our thoughts during these pre-Christmas weeks are often laser-focused on Christmas itself. As…

Good morning: When you’re traveling, it’s reassuring to know you have a place waiting for you at the end of a long day on the road. So you reserve a hotel room which will be there in your name whether you arrive at 6 p.m. or midnight. It’s even better when you have family or…

Good morning: I recently heard a public service announcement which seemed completely irrelevant at the time. The sun was shining, temps were in the 60s, but the PSA advised putting together a survival kit of blankets, granola bars, water, and flashlights to keep in the car in case of a winter emergency. Who wants to…