Good morning: The prophet Jeremiah wrote, “Blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him” (17:7). Was he right? Are believers really blessed? We don’t always feel blessed. It’s easy to see certain circumstances as blessings: good health, loving family and friends, meaningful work. But when life is hard and…

Good morning: Former NBA star Charles Barkley is not only remembered for his basketball career but also for saying, “I am not a role model.” He wanted young boys to look up to their fathers rather than to him as someone to imitate. But the truth is, he was a role model. Young people did…

Good morning, For weeks now the neighbors have had elaborate displays in their yards for Halloween. Over the next several days treat-or-treaters will be going up and down the streets. Costume parties are fun for everyone, regardless of age. But for Lutherans, Oct. 31 is much more than Halloween. It’s the day to remember how…

Good morning: “You are the master of your destiny. You can influence, direct and control your own environment. You can make your life what you want it to be.” So wrote self-help pioneer Napoleon Hill in 1937 in his best-selling book, Think and Grow Rich. He interviewed successful people, studied their lives, and concluded that…

Good morning: No matter how hard you try, some news is just too good to keep to yourself: a perfect test score, your engagement, a baby on the way, the dream job. And when it is life-changing good news, why would you want to keep it a secret? There is no better news than the…

Good Morning: Genuine love is not mere words but actions too. We might tell someone, “I love you so much that ____________.” How would you complete the sentence? “I love you so much that I will buy you a birthday present, take you out to dinner and a movie, clean the garage, do the dishes…

Good morning: In 1915 the poet Robert Frost wrote, “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.” Do you ever wonder about the path you’ve taken? Do you picture how things might be if you had gone in a different direction? What…

Good morning: It was hailed as a miracle. After a massive earthquake struck Turkey in February, two brothers were pulled out of the rubble of their apartment building alive. They couldn’t have made it out from under tons of debris by themselves. They needed rescue workers to first of all hear their cries and then…

Good morning: Pride can take a variety of forms. “Never let them see you sweat” was the slogan for a TV ad campaign from years ago. The message was that no matter how uncomfortable, stressful, or fearful the situation, you shouldn’t let anyone know you are struggling. You should always give the impression that you’re…

Good morning: No doubt you thanked the Lord for keeping you safe last night and for granting you another day of grace to use in living for him. We thank Him for being our Redeemer who paid the ransom price of his blood shed on the cross to win our eternal salvation. We praise him…