Good morning: Last Thursday six people lost their lives in a bridge collapse in Florida. Sudden tragedies like that remind us of how fragile life is and how quickly our time on earth can end. For a certain police officer that lesson was especially personal. She explained in an interview that she was driving…

Good morning: What’s the way to heaven? In the minds of many it’s simple: “Pray and keep the Ten Commandments.” It is true that the Commandments spell out God’s will for mankind. Jesus summed them up like this: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all…

Good morning: You know the feeling. You drop by the grocery store to pick up milk, juice, bread, and a few other essentials. While you unload the cart on the conveyer belt you’re thinking it shouldn’t be more than a few dollars. It’s a jolt when the clerk says, “That will be $25.” If we…

Good morning: We like to win. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a friendly game of Scrabble, a school basketball game, or a competition with ten other candidates for a job, we like to come out on top. Who can resist opening the envelope with the bold print: “You’re a winner!”? But how often do you…

Good morning: “Clean” means different things to different people. To the five-year-old who can hardly wait for lunch, clean means wiping his hands off on his jeans before showing Mom. To a surgeon about to replace a heart valve, clean means a vigorous scrubbing of hands and nails with antibacterial soap and a stiff brush….

Good morning: “Who says? You’re not the boss!” It’s likely that every brother or sister has heard that from a sibling and likewise has said it themselves. It’s not limited to childhood. People of every age have a natural resistance to anyone telling them what to do. That creates tension between siblings, friends, employers and…

Good morning: “THIS IS NOT A DRILL.” Two weeks ago that message flashed across Hawaii and seized the attention of everyone. Residents and tourists alike sought cover. Many looked for more information via phone or online. Some contacted loved ones to express their love one last time in case the ballistic missile supposedly on the…

Good morning: What’s on your bucket list? What would you like to see or do before your time on earth ends? Or for that matter, what would you like to see happen in the new year? A bucket list might include a trip to Europe, skydiving, buying that dream home, or learning to play a…

Good morning: Every so often during the past month I’ve received a text or email with the same short message: “Your package has been delivered.” At first reading it might not seem like much, but it never fails to brighten my day. It means that something I ordered online and then possibly forgot all about…

Good morning: Still looking for that perfect gift for your spouse, children, co-workers, or friends? Every year I think, “This Christmas I’ll find the gift that will be remembered for years to come. It will be just the right size and color. It will be that gift which is treasured and used often, not the…