Good morning everyone: Remember your driver’s test at the DMV? Were you convinced that you were a good driver, but still nervous that you might not remember all the rules or that the examiner might not have the same opinion you did about your skills? Tests are often eye-openers which tell us the truth about…

Good morning, everyone: Would you give up your cell phone? Never! At least not willingly, right? It’s probably one of the first things you pick up in the morning. You may use it more times than you care to count during the day. Plugging it in to recharge may be the last thing you do…

Good morning, everyone: It sounds so simple: “Just listen.” How tough can it be? Anyone can do that, right? I may not want to deliver a speech to a crowd of people. I may find myself tongue-tied when asked a question by someone. But listening, that’s easy! At least it would seem so. The reality,…

Hello everyone: “I’ll just have one little, tiny scoop of ice cream before bed.” Have you told yourself that and somehow ended up with half a dozen “little” scoops in a big cereal bowl? “I couldn’t help myself,” we say. We know better, yet we end up giving in to cravings or other compulsions, some…

Good morning everyone: “Freedom! Stand firm. Don’t let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” It sounds like a Fourth of July speech, doesn’t it? Every summer we are reminded of how precious our freedoms are and also of how quickly they can be lost if they are not defended. Yet these powerful…

Good morning everyone: “Someday I’ll drink all the root beer I want!” I remember thinking that at a time when my parents wisely limited me to one frosty mug of A&W. What did you look forward to: staying up past 9 p.m., wearing what everyone else had in their closets, watching whatever you wanted on…

Good morning everyone: Take note some time of how often during a day you hear the word “love.” A family member says, “Love you!” on their way out the door. In a TV interview a celebrity states: “I love all people, no matter who they are.” People not familiar with other passages of Scripture are…

Good morning everyone: Have you noticed how unusual it is for anyone to take a stand on anything? If a company’s policies are unpopular, it will likely bow to public pressure and change them. A candidate for elected office will often check polls or study focus groups and then alter his positions accordingly. If someone…

Good morning everyone: It’s inevitable. The hometown team loses the ballgame, and the next morning the talk radio programs are swamped by callers quick to point out the blunders of everyone from the batboy to the manager. Sadly, it’s human nature. We are quick to criticize. We can spot the failures of others from a…

Good morning everyone: Did you open your eyes this morning thinking, “This is going to be one great day! I’m going to accomplish everything on my to-do list and still have plenty of time to relax and have fun with friends. I can hardly wait to get started!” Maybe not. In fact the older you…

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