Good morning: Ready for a weekend of coast-to-coast celebrations? I think many of us might say that the Fourth of July is our favorite national holiday. It comes during the warm days of summer. It’s a time of picnics, games, and best of all, dazzling fireworks displays—all in honor of our nation’s birthday. We have…

Good morning: The old saying goes, “Patience is a virtue.” That may be true, but it seems like a dying virtue. Test yourself. How patient are you? Are you content to wait two hours for dinner to bake in the oven or does 30 seconds in the microwave feel like a week? When the car…

Good morning: They’re called ultramarathons or sometimes just “ultras,” running events which are 50-100 miles or more in length, often meaning a minimum of 24 sleepless hours spent constantly moving. I can’t imagine how anyone does that or would even want to. Yet thousands compete in these races every year. It certainly requires training and…

Good morning: No matter how much someone dislikes school or studying, almost everyone would admit that learning new things and making fresh discoveries can be very satisfying. If we completely stopped learning and were never surprised by new things around us, life would be extremely boring. There is a feeling of accomplishment after figuring out…

Good Morning, Moses was at the end of his rope. Complaining about their lack of meat in the wilderness, the people of Israel were on the verge of mutiny. The burdens of leadership were taking their toll. Moses cried out to the Lord, “Why have you brought this trouble on your servant…Where can I get…

Good morning: Solomon writes in Proverbs 16:18, “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.” All of us can relate to that. After getting a license from the DMV, most of us probably remember thinking that we knew all there was to know about driving. Who needs to listen to Mom and Dad’s…

Good morning, Flowers, chocolate, a restaurant dinner—all of the above? What is a fitting gift for Mom on Mother’s Day? Nothing really seems adequate, does it? Our gifts, no matter how lavish and carefully planned, can’t compare with a mother’s gifts to her children. While Mother’s Day is celebrated once a year, a mother’s love…

Good evening: How many times did you log in to the internet today? Did you check email first thing this morning, instant message a friend after breakfast, check a family member’s Facebook post at lunchtime? Maybe you’ve had a Zoom meeting somewhere along the line. We depend on that constant cyber connection for so much…

Good morning, “Just grow up!” is the frustrated response of parents to a child’s immaturity. Though well past toddlerhood, the son throws a tantrum when he doesn’t get what he wants. A daughter refuses to take responsibility for a homework assignment. Instead of getting a job to support themselves, children expect Mom and Dad to…

Good morning: Perhaps you’ve heard the advice that there are two things you should never bring up in conversation: religion and politics. The reason is that both can elicit strong disagreement from the person with whom you are speaking. Still, how many people actually follow that advice? Do you? Even when you know your comments…